Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Mark's Review of Conclave
Watching Conclave right now seems strangley appropriate give the current Pope's ill-health.
Plans are already being made for the real Conclave.
In the movie The Pope has died and the Cardinals gather in Conclave ((from the latin gathering under lock and key) to elect the next Pope. Cue political thriller, skeletons in the cupboard, lots of concerned looks and some daftness (who has a secret meeting in a stair well...?!)
The film is full of surprises. The story will surprise you. The musical score will surprise you (Volker Buglemann as in All Quiet on the Western Front). The cinematography will surprise you. The ending will surprise you.
It is surprisingly good.
At £4.99 to watch on Amazon Prime Conclave makes for a good movie night. It is little wonder the accolades it has received.
My predictions for Oscars:
Best Movie
Best Actor Ralph Fiennes
Best Screen play Peter Straughan
Best Costume Lizi Christi
Friday, 21 February 2025
Trump, Tarrifs and Tulips (From Newbury Weekly News)
One thing you cannot say about the President of America is that he is boring. We don’t know what he will do or say next: buy Greenland, Gaza or Mars? Put Tariffs on wind and waves because they come from overseas? We are confronted with the next big, unsettling thing. We just don’t know.
Closer to home we do know that Spring is coming. The promise of longer, warmer days, colourful gardens, turning the heating down and who knows…maybe even a T-Shirt!
It can be therapeutic in a big, crazy world to stop and look at what is happening on our doorstep – in the small things. The purple crocus coming through, the daffodil sprouting, the tender tiny bud appearing and tulips making a move.
Soon gardens, parks and hedgerows will be awash with colour, the sky will be blue, the sun will shine. The cosmic canvas of the Creator coming to life once again. Aaah...relief.
So, stop. Take a look. Closely. What do you see…? A spring flower – colour, life, growth, design, delicacy…and wonder…wonder at the Designer who made it for us to enjoy and for us to connect with Him.
“The heavens declare the glory of God” the Psalmist wrote. We see it in the blue expanse, the blazing sun, the night sky. Our hearts soar in praise or maybe a whispered “thankyou God”.
“Trump today, Sir?”
“No thanks, a tulip will do.”
Friday, 14 February 2025
Who was St Valentine...?
At the time of Emperor Claudiuas there was a Christian man named Valentine. He ministered the gospel of Jesus Christ to many people, assured them of God's love for them and took care of their physical needs as best he could.
He also did something else illegal - encouarged couples to get married, performing many marriage ceremonies himself.
At the time men were not allowed to marry - the rationale was that men would fight more firecly without having to worry about a wife and family. For his alleged crimes against the pagan Roman empire Valentine was imprisoned, tortured (he would recant) and killed 14th February 269 - hence Valentines Day.
On the eve of his death he wrote to his beloved and signed off "From your Valentine".
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Who is this Jesus ? (written for Life Church Southampton)
Who is this Jesus?
He is the
Wave walking;
Storm stilling;
Boat climbing;
Peace bringing;
Sickness healing;
Deaf hearing;
Blind seeing;
Paralytic walking;
Demon chasing;
Satan fleeing;
Pharisee upsetting;
Breakfast cooking;
Lash taking;
Cross bearing;
Death defying;
Tomb busting;
Heaven opening;
Sin forgiving;
Grace giving;
Spirit breathing;
Ever loving
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Parenting Seminars at Bridge Church
Being a parent is beautiful, rewarding and challenging.
No one really teaches you how to be a parent.
Mostly we pick things up from our own upbringing then modify those experiences, for good or ill.
Becuase parenting is so important and pressure is great we want to provide a series of seminars for parents to support and encourage.
There are lots of topics to consider but in the first session we will look at the digital challenge, marriage and family devotions. These are seminars - places to learn and discuss together (not a lecture).
What is more...your child will be looked after during the seminar!
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, married or single these Sunday afternoon seminars might just help...
More information can be found on the Bridge Church Newbury Website.
Friday, 20 December 2024
Books that shaped me #4 The Hallelujah Factor by Jack Taylor
This book is full of praise.
How to praise God, the scriptures and praise, the benefits of praise, when to praise, where to praise, the different words for praise, even the psychology of praise.
Praise was erupting through the church in the 1980s.
Paise was a real feature and highlight of the growing number of Bible Weeks.
It was louder. Longer. And real.
And this book helped to biblically explain and encourage praise for the individual and the church.
A classic.
Christmas at Bridge Church
Bridge Carols on Sun 15th Dec was a great sucess. Lots of friends and visitors, mulled wine, a choir and special guest speaker Adrian Holloway.
This w\e there are more opportunities to celebrate with a Live Nativty in collaboration with St Marys Church Speen with a light trail and animals.
Sun 22nd Dec 10.30am at Trinity School is the Bridge Christmas Celebration with carols, games and dressing up (for those who want to).
Then on Christmas Day a short informal meeting at Trinity School 10.00-10.40am.
Further deatils can be found on the Bridge Church Newbury website.
Whatever you are doing, wherever you are have a Happy Christ-mas!
Wednesday, 20 November 2024
Books that shaped me #3 The Holy Spirit & You by Dennis & Rita Bennet
For many people seeking to understand the new move of the Holy Spirit in the 1980s this was the go to book.
With a new edition and then reprinted 3 times the Bennets systematically taught through the scriptures about baptism in the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Their real life stories and testimonies created a curiosity and hunger.
Here was a book that explained what was happening but also raised faith for more...more of the Holy Spirit, more gifts, more healing, more faith...
Tuesday, 12 November 2024
Books that shaped me #2 Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald
Before the best selling The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Marc Cromer there was this book in the 1980s : Ordering Your Private World. It was so helpful in terms of leading from a place of rest, tending your inner garden, planning and budgeting time, looking ahead, dealing with hurry sickness, reading, time for family - mostly things we know but sometimes it helps when someone else tells us!
The authors description of Life Change Units is still relevant today - death of a spouse is 100 units, loosing a job 47 units, gaining a new family member 39 and Christmas 12 units! All of these (and more) create stress and the accumilation of stress can have a detrimental affect upon health.
And...saying no...can be very helpful...
Monday, 11 November 2024
Books that shaped me #1 Sharing Your Faith by Selwyn Hughes
As a new Christian in the 1980s I was impacted by reading this book by Selwyn Hughes.
At the time Selwyn was a well-known speaker, author of Every Day with Jesus and the drive behind CWR - Crusade for World Revival. He was instrumental in establishing Waverley Abbey House as a training centre in Farnham UK - still flourishing today.
His passion for the gospel, his love of sharing the good news with people and his practical wisdom had a lasting effect.
His diagram about communicating with people: 55% non-verbal (posture, eye contact etc), 38% tone of voice, 7% actual words is something I think about to this day.
His study of Jesus meeting the woman at the well in John chapter 4 I have requently returned to - a masterful study about engaging in conversation with different types of people and being open to the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Meeting my new MP
Imagine your life turning up side down in 24 hours.
New job, new city, new office, new staff, new colleagues, new rules, new flat, nights away each week, new calendar, new clothes...new everything!
Such is the life of a new MP.
Completely different.
And longer hours.
I went to meet my new MP to find out how he was doing - not to complain about anything or ask him to do anything.
He was open, honest, vulnerable and bewildered.
He was trying to figure out the impact of all this on his family.
When I asked him what could we pray for - he was honest about that too.
Most MPs are honest - honestly trying to serve the communities in which they live and to represent them well.
Have you met your MP...?
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
P.U.G. - Parental University Grief
It is that time of year - children leaving home to go to University. For those going to uni it can be a time of great excitement mixed with trepidation. For those left at home for the first time: mother, father, siblings, it can be a time of real sadness. Of loss. Feeling like a bereavement.
We can underestimate and not talk about the emotional impact of a child leaving home to go to university.
Going to nursey or school for the first time is a recognised significant emotional moment, notably for mothers.
The power of PUG can take us by surprise. PUG - Parental University Grief.
It is real thing. Psychologists measure emotional impact in units out of 100. Apparently, a child going to uni for those left at home is 29 points of impact. High impact.
Born out of 18 years of love and preparation for this moment.
You are not strange if you are feeling PUG. Thousands of parents and brothers and sisters are feeling what you are feeling this week - a bit empty.
Well done for getting to this moment. Well done for your part in getting them there.
You are not alone in feeling sad and don't be afraid to share your feelings with other parents - they will be probably be relieved!
Saturday, 7 September 2024
Newbury Week of Prayer
Next week the churches of Newbury are having a Week of Prayer together.
Each day there is an opportunity to pray in a different church in a slightly different style.
There is opporunity to go for a Prayer Walk around the town and to join a Prayer Zoom.
The Week of Prayer is not just for people who go to church.
Anyone can attend one of the sessions - people of different faith, curious about faith or none.
For many of us the need to connect with God, something, or someone bigger than us us real.
The Week of Prayer provides one way of connecting with God or exploring prayer.
There will also be opportunity to pray for current issues, the government, the new MP for West Berkshire, for schools and of course for churches.
For more information including a full schedule visit:https://ctnablog.wordpress.com/
Friday, 23 August 2024
Highlights from Commission Festival
Occasional wind and rain did not deterred the campers at Commission Festival from having a good time.
Commission is a family of churches around the world gathering together to celebrate at The Royal Bath & West Showground UK.
Worship in the bigger Big Top was brilliant - a real highlight; Andrew Wilson was mind blowing speaking about John 1 - light, eternity, word, breath, boom!
Tim Blaber spoke on John 2 - "Do whatever He tells you to do" - Mary to the servants at the wedding in Cana. What a challenge!
The train, petting zoo, cinema and bouncy castles were as popular as ever.
The daily Park Run had more runners; the daily highlights videos were great whilst interviews live and recorded were powerful and moving - one young man from the Middle East told how he become a Christian and then his wife promptly divorced him. Cost and sacrifice.
Commission Festival 2026 is on...
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Why do 125,000 Christians camp in a field?
There are a lot of Christian festivals and Bible Weeks happening over the summer. A lot. More than 10. These include Commission Festival, New Wine, Keswick, Spring Harvest, Creation Fest, NewDay (NewFrontiers), Big Church Festival, Greenbelt, Focus (HTB), The Gathering (for men).
These total more than 125,000 delegates. There are numerous smaller events too.
It is fair to say the Christian Festival has returned strongly since Covid.
So why have thousands of Christians returned to these festivals, often at considerable expense, to experience discomfort, loss of sleep and long walk to the loo for days on end?
God. Festival goers want more of God. They are prepared to put up with camping for more of God.
More worship (bigger than in their home church). Good Bible teaching. And community (there is nothing like a bleary eyed breakfast bacon roll together). And children and Youth - 100s or 1,000s of young ones together is a super encouragement: "There are lots like me. Lots!"
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